What's New on Explore Discover Nature

I've just refreshed the look of my blog and made it easier to find information and ideas about New Zealand nature, especially activities for children. If you subscribe by email, through Bloglovin' or a feed, take a moment to visit my blog site and see for yourself.

Tabs at the top make it easy to find activities or posts in different categories, including those written specifically For Kids. (An activity for children will always be featured on the Right Hand Side column.)
Another tab links you to stories about Taking Action for nature, many of these are volunteer projects or examples of citizen science which I hope will inspire you.
Nature Places pulls together accounts of visits to sanctuaries and wild places, as well as tramping stories. Whether they are day hikes to longer trips, these are all ideas about how to get close to native wildlife and plants.
My Nature Journal was what started this blog off, observations of nature across the seasons, there will be more of these types of blogposts in the future.

Other ways to search for ideas, include the Labels cloud in the right hand column, click on 'ideas for parents and teachers' to find blogposts which feature these, or on 'NZ Wildlife' to find a collection of stories that feature native animals. You can always use the Search My Blog feature if you have a more obscure search.

Each post has Share buttons to make it easy for you to share stories on social media or by email. The footer has options of other ways you can Follow me, including through Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, as well as a link to iNaturalistNZ where I record observations.

I hope you continue to enjoy exploring and discovering nature in New Zealand.

Birds at the Beach - vulnerable and at risk


Back in Time to Ancient Zealandia - From Moa to Dinosaurs