Sea Week Resources - an update

It's good to see that Auckland Museum have updated their Marine Life App since I reviewed it last year in Top 2 Sea Life AppsThey've fixed the background issue so the text is legible and while the maps still show the Auckland region only, a note below explains where else in New Zealand the animal or plant might be found. Older children will find enough information here and younger children will enjoy using the photographs to ID the birds, fishes, plants, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles that they find on or near the ocean. 

My publishers Potton & Burton have also updated their website, improving the pages of information for children, parents and educators that accompany each of my books. Here you can find tips for reading, activity ideas for learning about the ocean, further reading, website links and lots more. Here's the link for Under the Ocean Ideas for children, parents and teachers.
Web pages for 'Under the Ocean'

And the link for At the Beach Ideas for children, parents and teachers.

Geckos and Skinks - what's the difference?


Encounters with Toutouwai, the New Zealand Robin